Tune the frequency of your energetic field to the highest vibrations while harmonizing and healing the Earth’s magnetic field by obtaining our properly constructed orgone generating devices.
Orgonite® (orgone-generating device) is an energy tool that harnesses life force energy, used to harmonize and heal Earth’s magnetic field from stagnant decaying energy a.k.a. Deadly Orgone Energy (DOR). Orgonite® is mostly made with a combination of superconductive metals (inorganic materials) + quartz + crystals + resin (organic material), that contains and compresses all the ingredients and activates a piezoelectric charge. A quartz crystal is wrapped with a copper coil inside the orgonite® that acts as an amplifier and is used to direct energy flow around the crystal, directing negative ions out while offsetting the positive ions in the atmosphere.
Why we need orgonite:
The reality is that most of us are surrounded by harmful radiation from Electromagnetic fields (EMFs), toxins in the air and water, as well as low vibrational entities that negatively impact our energetic field. Having orgonite nearby is vital to our quality of living.
Where can orgonite be placed?
Near fruit and produce to extend life, buried in plant soil to enhance growth and vitality, near a water source, near cell towers, near a smart meter, inside your home, near electronics, your place of work, your car, basically anywhere that geopathic stress exists needing for cleansing and healing.
How does orgonite® work?
Orgonite® transmutes negative energies into a more harmonious neutralized state, replicating nature's vibration. Orgonite can be compared to a having tiny piece of nature. If you take notice of nature, it is constantly restoring its balance, structure, and function, adapting to environmental changes. Orgonite alleviates geopathic stresses from your environment that can negatively affect your central nervous system.
Orgone is the universal life force energy that encompasses everything we live in. Orgone is anything alive that draws energy; a natural form of energy. Many cultures refer to orgone energy as prana, torsion, chi, ether, and zero-point energy.
Orgone was named and re-discovered by Wilhelm Reich, bio-psychiatric scientist who studied the causes of neurosis. He devoted himself to matters of technique in an attempt to overcome the limitations of psychoanalysis in treating neuroses , and after thorough studies and experimentations of energy functions proved a correlation between sexual energy and the nervous system, and determined that our sexual energy is our life force energy and that sexual satisfaction (the orgasm) alleviated neurotic symptoms.
The purpose of the orgasm is to maintain an energy balance by discharging excess biological energy that builds up naturally in the body. If the discharge is disturbed, the biological energy will continued to build up without sufficient release, it becomes stagnant and triggers neurotic disorders.
Wilhelm Reich was also known for creating cloud busters that altered weather patterns by harnessing orgone energy from the atmosphere and a water source to create clouds and disperse them to bring rain into drought areas.
Throughout his experimentation and studies of free energy technologies, he faced constant attacks and accusations by the FDA who filed a complaint stating that his discoveries on orgone energy were a fraud because per the government orgone energy did not exist. The judge found Wilhelm guilty and ordered that all orgone energy devices be destroyed and that all his written documents were to be destroyed and banned his books and published literature. This was a such a disgraceful act of censorship by the US government. Later, he’d be facing prison time after one of his previous students moved a truckload of Reich’s books and orgone devices, without him knowing, got caught and arrested both Reich and the student for violating court orders. In prison, Reich died of “heart failure”.
• Structures water and cells
• Clear subconscious of anything that has affected your energy field
• Increases longevity
• Strengthens the body’s energy field from negative man made energy
• Balances your mood and well-being
• Promotes better sleep
Orgone generating devices are negatively ionizing, which offsets the positive ionization in the atmosphere that is caused from high EMFs, electromagnetic pollution, Radio Frequency devices, etc.). Negative ions clean the environment, and promote the hydrogen bond, structuring water molecules. Human beings are composed with over 70% of water.