Greetings and blessings! We would like to formally introduce ourselves, We are Katie and Oliver, romantic soul partners and resin artists who both are fascinated by the healing powers of crystals, nature, music, animals, philosophical conversations, and all the irie things in life that align our energetic spirits into higher vibrations. All of which inspires us to create our art work.

We believe in helping the Earth’s extension through harmonizing and healing its magnetic field by creating properly constructed orgone (life force) pyramids and other orgone generating devices made with atomized conductive metals, crystals, catalyzed resin, mixed in with our purest intentions.

We specialize in constructing conductive, harmonizing 8-sided orgone pyramids for those seeking constant euphoric energy flow. We also construct orgone tower busters (pucks), orgone pendants/ keychains, and charging plates, and much more. We offer original and custom made-for-you resin art orgone generating devices.

Creating orgonite has further opened ourselves to experience life’s wonders and possibilities through energy. We want to collectively create a New Earth where we can learn and share genuine knowledge about life force generating technology and its healthy energy benefits to our magnetic field by spreading powerful orgonite devices to every home.